Thursday, February 3, 2011

Current Projects

Tanya Beatty & Jake Pasko have teamed up to create films. We have entered so far two contests for the MOFILMS competitions: the Barcelona Pepsi Films competition and the Barcelona Commercial Spec competition. Our creative talents are boosted when combined.

Tanya & Jake create the concepts together, whereas Jake is primarily the director, editor, & producer; while Tanya is primarily the actor & writer. Jake sometimes co-writes & Tanya sometime co-directs.

“The Trilogy” (as we like to call it) features three one minute films inspired by the themes of “Wake Up,” “Pop fzzz, ahhhh,” and “Hit and Delete” given to us by Pepsi Films (a competition created to help find raw talent in motion picture creation).

In addition to “The Trilogy,” we also created a commercial spec for The American Red Cross titled "Mistress Vampire". Regardless, we see these competitions as a great opportunity to practice our craft and put ourselves out there for the world to take notice.

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